4ch Combo 2.4GHz FHSS - Dry R304SB

3ch Combo 2.4G T-FHSS (Dry) R304SB


4ch Combo 2.4GHz T-FHSS-Dry R304SB

4ch Combo 2.4GHz FHSS - Dry R304SB

Part No: P-CB4GRS

The new 4GRS system is Futaba’s first stick Car/Boat set for some time, but is well worth the wait, being feature packed and optimised for the serious racer. As the name suggests the system offers 4...

Availability: In stock
The new 4GRS system is Futaba’s first stick Car/Boat set for some time, but is well worth the wait, being feature packed and optimised for the serious racer. As the name suggests the system offers 4 functions, and of course includes Futaba’s renownedtelemetry system, which is a huge benefit for practice and whilst racing, (where allowed). Both S-FHSS and T-FHSS transmission modes are included, and response speed is a staggering 4.4ms, giving instantaneous response to the controls. Full specifications and a full list of features are available online.

Telemetry system
The T4GRS transmitter has adopted the newly developed bidirectional communication system

2.4GHzSS (Spread Spectrum) radio communication system
Frequency channel setting is unnecessary: Channel shifting takes place within the 2.4GHz
band automatically. This system minimizes the interference from other 2.4GHz systems.

Model memory for 40 models
Model names can use up to 10 letters, numbers, and symbols, so that logical names may be
used. A model memory with different setups can be created by using the model copy function.

Menu Selection
The setup screens are called frommenu screens. The menu screen can be selected from
among 2 levels (LEVEL1/LEVEL2).

Brake mixing for large cars (BRAKE)
Brake mixing of the front and rear sticks of 1/5GP and other large cars can be adjusted independently.

4WS mixing for crawlers and other 4WS type (4WS)
This function can be used with crawlers and other 4WS type vehicles.

Dual ESCs mixing for crawlers cars (DUAL ESC)
ESC at the front and rear are controlled independently.

Gyro mixing (GYRO MIX)
The sensitivity of Futaba car rate gyros can be adjusted from the T4GRS.

CPS-1 mixing (CPS MIX)
LED lighting and flashing control using our CPS-1 channel power switch can be matchedto
steering and throttle operation by switch only.

Anti-skid braking system (TH A.B.S)
This function applies the brakes so that the tires of gasoline engine cars, etc. do not lose
their grip on the road even when brakingat corners.

Throttle acceleration (ACCEL)
Gasoline engine cars have a time lag before the clutch and brakes become effective.
The throttle acceleration function reduces this time lag.

Throttle speed (SPEED)
Sudden stick operation on a slippery road surface will only cause the tires to spin and the
model to not accelerate smoothly. By setting the throttle speed function, operation can be
performed smoothly and easily. It also suppresses batteryconsumption.

Steering speed (SPEED)
When you sense that the steering servo is too fast, etc., the servo operating speed (direction
that suppresses the maximum speed) can be adjusted.

Racing timer (TIMER)
The lap timer can record 100 lap times and total time. The timer can also be started automatically
by stick operation. The race time and audible alarm can be set.
Re-/fueling time are indicated by an audible alarm. An up timer is also provided.

Digital trim
The current trim position is displayed on the LCD screen. The operating amount of 1 step
can also be adjusted.
Trim operation has no effect on the maximum travel of the steering and throttle servos.

Function select switch / dial function (TRIM DIAL)
This function assigns functions to 2 switches and dials (digital trim, digital dial). The step
amount and operating direction can also be adjusted. Trim positioning at each model callis
unnecessary because all the dials are digital.

ESC-Link function (MC-LINK)
This is a dedicated function which allows setting of the contents of the Link software which
makes possible Futaba speed controller (ESC), MC950CR, MC850C, MC851C, MC602C,
MC402CR, etc. variable frequency and other data changes by T4GRS.

Tension adjustment function
The tension of the steering stick & throttle stick springs can be adjusted from the inside.

Adjustable Throttle Stick Travel (Mechanical ATL Adjustment)
Make this adjustment when you want to decrease the total travel of the forward (up) side or
brake (down) side of the throttle stick.

Display switch
Display switch allows function setup without transmitting.